Jagdschloss Resort
Kühtai 1, 6183 Kühtai
Manager: Vinzenz Triendl
Tel.: +43(0)5239-5201
Company data
Jagdschloss Resort Betriebs GmbH
Fallmerayerstraße 8
6020 Innsbruck
VAT No ATU 7112 6159
Manager: Dr. Martin Baldauf
Director: Vinzenz Triendl
Bank connection
AT18 3600 0000 0077 0503
Raiffeisenbank Landesbank Tirol
Companies’ register
FN 453625 x
Court responsible: Innsbruck
Swarovski Kristallwelten
Ötztal Tourismus, Elias Holzknecht
Innsbruck Tourismus
Business purpose:
Management of touristic companies in Kühtai, especially Hotel Jagdschloss Kühtai and shares in other equal or similar companies
Chamber of commerce, Tirol
Trade authority:
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Imst
Applicable legislation:
Trade regulations can be found at
Details about online dispute resolution:
Consumers can file complaints with the online dispute resolution platform of the EU: Complaints can also be sent to the above email address. The content of this website is copyright protected. Use or reproduction of any texts, graphics, photos and/or other content is only possible after a written authorisation of Jagdschloss Resort GmbH.
The content on this website was created to the best of our knowledge and is being tested for correctness regularly. Despite due diligence, some content mistakes and errors can happen and are reserved. Information on this website therefore makes no claims to being accurate or complete.