Environmental & energy friendly water saving system in the Jagdschloss Resport

Protecting the environment and conserving resources

From next winter onwards, we have strengthened our purchasing in the restaurant sector with the “Culinary Network”, which focuses even more on regional and Austrian products with designation of origin.


The next logical step for us was now to install an environmentally & energy friendly water saving system in all showers of the hunting lodge resort. With this system we save water when showering without reducing the comfort. But it gets even better, the energy & water consumption is reduced by approx. 35% and due to the lower energy consumption we also release less CO2 and thus protect the environment. The system has been tested by TÜV Austria and also received the eco-label.

In addition, we are continuously working on avoiding waste and especially plastic and synthetic materials. For example, we have freed our breakfast juices from tetra, and the small cosmetic items in the rooms are replaced by refillable dispensers. In this way we want to reduce this amount of waste step by step and make the world a little bit nicer for you and us.

If you should think of anything in addition to this during your hunting lodge holiday, we look forward to your feedback. Gladly also directly here under comments.

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New in Jagdschloss Resort “Network Culinary”

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